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Favorite TV show viewing: Using Internet as TiVo
Labels: ABC, brand building, Information Superhighway, Internet, Jointblog, Media Trend Watching, NBC Rewind, streaming, TiVo, TV, VCR, Video player, ViewingThe Information Superhighway keep winding and twisting. Lately, I wonder if it's becoming the new TiVo.
My TV viewing schedule has been messed up -- again. Like most people, I no longer am held captive by just a few channels. I bounce all over the place: different favorite show on a different channel on different hours. I rarely keep the TV on the same channel for back-to-back shows (same thing for my teenage daughter).
Some things are an absolute must. 24 Monday night at 9pm on Fox -- a must watch. My friends know not to call until after it's done. Heroes is another must watch -- but it's broadcast on-air at the same time as 24 on NBC.
So what do I do?
What about Wednesday nights at 10pm now, when Medium and Lost air at the same time? Or Thursday night's 9pm block, when Grey's Anatomy squares off against NBC comedies? Or when I simply don't have the time to watch at all? I never use my VCR -- gave up using that wasted old tech device a long time ago. I don't watch or care enough about TV to have a TiVo either, even for my high-def big screen.
My solution?
Same as it's been for millions of people. The Network's online streaming sites, especially for ABC as well as NBC's Rewind. The Internet is quickly becoming the new personal video player. And it's helping the TV networks build their brands online.
ABC got off the block first streaming full episodes almost a year ago a little roughly...but it has gotten much better since then. Fewer streaming dropoffs and more shows to watch. And far fewer commercials than what you'd see during a TV broadcast.
CBS launched their Innertube last summer while NBC waited to launch their full episode site in October -- last among the Big Three networks.
In my humble opinion, despite being last in, NBC's Rewind service is far better than either ABC's or CBS's service. Already, NBC's Rewind has delivered 42 million full show viewings.
My personal rankings:
#1 -- NBC
#2 -- ABC
#3 -- CBS
A new Mediaweek article reports that many are using the Network streaming sites just like I'm doing: as their personal TiVo. Just look at these just-released results for NBC:> 78% of users who streamed full-length episodes watched shows from the series they usually watch but missed on broadcast television.
This is a huge result. As a viewer, I say thank you broadband! The Internet is quickly becoming my personal video player. This model makes sense and is one to watch as a media trend.
>81% of those surveyed said they recalled specific pre-roll ads -- using single sponsors for entire shows playing only one commercial per break certainly helps make for powerful recall.
>26% said they viewed shows they had already watched on TV for a second time.
>34% said they used the site to preview shows they had never seen before.
I know I am.
posted by Unknown @ Thursday, February 15, 2007,