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To TiVo or Not: Either Way, TV Has Changed
I know people addicted to the TiVo "blip". If you TiVo, you know who you are. And yes, you use it as both a noun and a verb.
We've clearly entered a new TV age: those that TiVo (or use any form of time-shifting DVR -- digital video recorders) and those that don't (some don't even use cable at all). Sure, both groups are still couch potatoes and studies haven't conclusively said one group watches more or less TV than the other.
In a report called "The End of Television As We Know It" (IBM Business Consulting Services), the TiVo'ing group insists on living an on-demand TV world, where they can watch "anytime, anywhere content through multiple channels." What this means for advertisers: overall advertising will increase, partly because DVRs "will increase content consumption", partly for experimenting with new buying patterns to see what sticks. But DVRs will also "decrease demand for traditional spots, as will video-on-demand."
Non-TiVo'ers will still be the traditional couch-potato crowd that sits back and views TV in the living room, being less insistent for "on-demand". But they still love having the choice when offered.
Either way -- Tivo'ed or not -- TV viewers are pulling what they want more and more...and pushing back what they don't want.
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posted by Unknown @ Monday, January 30, 2006,