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No Buzz for Google's Gmail Chat
A month ago, Google unveiled a new IM service. And, from what I see searching around the Web, there is little-to-no buzz about it. What happened? Super Bowl ad viewing online buried the announcement? Too much Brokeback Mountain spoofing? Usually, anytime Google announces a new service, the tech news and chatter on blogs go a-flutter. Did Google decide to go into an over-staturated product category not needing fresh options? This time, just some mild reponses mixed in with yawns.
The new program allows Google e-mail users to instant message each other. Gmail (6.7 million users) is the fourth most popular on the Web, but lags far behind the three market leaders -- Yahoo (51 million), AOL (34 million), and MSN Hotmail (31 million), according to Nielsen//NetRatings.
Looks like this new Gmail IM service isn't going to close that user gap.
What is Gmail Chat
posted by Unknown @ Sunday, March 05, 2006,