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New Adventures in Media Trend Watching
Labels: Chris Kennedy, Future, Future of Radio, John Parikhal, Joint Communications, Jointblog, Media, Media Trend Watching, Radio, Strategy"Move forward, young man...while you are still young."
Not sure who said that but I do know a consulting associate from Joint Communications -- Bob Elliot -- who was once asked how he defined growth.
He said, "Well, if you are not growing, you're dead."
Perhaps a little blunt but there is truth in those words, both personally and professionally.
We all seek growth in various forms through our relationships, our businesses and careers, our learning, our finances...the list goes on and on.
As Peter Drucker has said (loosely paraphrased), an important key in growing successful long-term management is for executives, directors and managers to periodically return to day-to-day operations and get away from the "boardroom". It allows for managers to understand what has changed and what needs to happen for future growth.
In the rush-rush of decision making and strategic guidance throughout fiscal years following the pressures of meeting budget and performance expectations, managers can easily shift away from the realities out on the floor before they realize it.
Consultants are no different.
We fly in, work our magic, stir up the team toward growth and fly back home, following up to help make sure decisions stick into on-going action.
This ability to lend an outside perspective to operations allows consultants to see competitive challenges partner clients may not be able to see for themselves. It is a major strength for the consulting role, one that the rapidly-evolving media industry still needs for both the mature sectors of "traditional" media like radio, TV, the music industry, magazines and newspapers...as well as for "new" media, such as cable, modern telephony, wireless, satellite, and all-things related to the Internet.
But, over time, this outside role has its limitation, for the consultant remains on the "outside" of everyday operations. With so many constant and fast changes happening in media, getting back periodically into the daily functions of media business keeps the consultant up-to-date with industry realities.
Which is why I have made a new step forward.
For the last 15 years, I have worked and partnered with John Parikhal at Joint Communications consulting our international roster of media clients. An amazing thrill for me, allowing for constant learning, unique situational decision making, and cross-pollination experience throughout the media industry's up-phases, downturns, IPOs, mergers & acquistions and new tech advancements.
For the past couple months, I've been getting operational again, serving as Program Director for Montreal's Q92fm -- a heritage mainstream AC radio station and one of Corus Radio's many great stations across Canada. It's a new adventure for me, allowing me to pursue growth on a whole new level for a long-time client.
Of personal and professional importance, it also allows me to "get operational again" doing what I love to do: programming radio, coaching talent, building cooperation and communication between station departments, getting deeply involved with the community, building new station events and promotions, managing brand building efforts, and, ultimately, entertaining our audience in the best way possible while also serving as an effective advertising media choice among our station clients.
It's media trend watching on the street level. And I'm having a blast.
What better way to understand the "future of radio" than following Peter Drucker's advice and getting operational again?
I'm proud of what has been accomplished with Joint Communications and our clients. The Jointblog is the #1 destination online for people interested in media trend watching (according to all the search engine results and traffic meters)...these changes will offer a new new level of perspective for future Jointblog posts.
We encourage you to keep sharing your thoughts.
And keep Jointblogging!
We will.
I'm off now for our street festival concert event...literally getting back to street level...
posted by Unknown @ Sunday, July 15, 2007,