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NBC's Deceptive PSAs, Perfect for April Fool's Day
Did you notice some odd PSAs popping up on NBC this week that made you think "what was that"? Sure, they look normal. They sound normal, too, with the light piano playing in the background. And they even have the graphic "The More You Know".
Yet these new PSAs star the cast of NBC's "The Office"...that, if you know the show, means these are not your normal PSAs.
Thanks to these PSAs, we now know that we should be more concerned with meteors than wolves...except if we are sleeping nude in the woods.It's full snark and full fool just in time for April Fool's Day.
It's a good joke (actually, there's a dozen of them) and it's an example of how with a little clever writing, commercials can catch your attention. Just watch out for the meteors.
Enjoy them here and, hey, don't forget to move your clocks forward an hour at bedtime tonight.
posted by Unknown @ Saturday, April 01, 2006,