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Podcasting 201
To know podcasting is devine.
Well, maybe that is a little far-fetched...but it is a newly-opened media vacuum (less than one year old) that is quickly being filled. And gaining loads of attention. It is unwarranted? Is podcasting the new future to help save radio? To help bring the control of media ownership in ivory towers back down to the Everyday Joe? For the first time in years, it actually seems possible that the concept of "radio" (as developed by Marconi a century ago, the "wireless" electronic frequency broadcast of a message between just 2 people located many miles away), radio actually has the potential to be accessible TO THE PEOPLE once more.
The learn exactly what Podcasting is all about, read this informative primer from rss-specifications.com and decide for yourself: we are living in a constantly-customized world for our needs, wants, hopes, fears and desires...and the marketplace continues to respond with supply and new opportunties.
posted by Unknown @ Thursday, April 28, 2005,