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Bob Garfield's Look Into Marketing in a Near-Jetson's Future
(graphic from AdAge.com)
In the APRIL 14 AdAge.com, Bob Garfield takes a look at the very near future of marketing and the pending mass media collapse. He shows how despite an increase in total population of 30 million since 1994, total broadcast TV viewing continues to drop 2% each year in the last 10 years. Meanwhile, the cost to reach 1000 households in prime time has nearly tripled. Some now say that "the real cost to obtaining 30 seconds of the consumer's attention is the same in 2005 as it was before the invention of television" -- the mass media vehicle of the past 55 years.
Customization. Consumer on-demand control of control. When they want it. How they want it. Choice is the new currency and this excellent article from Bob Garfield is a must-read. It's a little peak just a few years ahead sure to give you a jolt.
And, from John Parikhal, "This is a great summary of what's going on with the shift from "mass" media to the new one-to-one world."
posted by Unknown @ Thursday, April 14, 2005,