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Celebrity-Branded Search Engines
Labels: Branding, Celebrity, customizing, fads, Ideas, Morning Shows, Prodege, Radio, search, Search enginesThere's something new bubbling up online. From the D-List.
It's probably only a fad and not a trend...but it is something unusual. Or, at least, another way for celebrities to lose dignity. Celebrity-branded search engines.
Now, through search services provided by prodege.com (powered by Yahoo! Search) and others, custom search engines are offered with celebrity tie-ins.
Search with Kevin (Federline)! Search with Meatloaf! Search with Wynonna! Search with Hinder! Search with Andrew Dice Clay!
The hook: everytime you search with a branded "celebrity" search engine, you get a chance to win a prize ("enter to win the chance to attend K-Fed's birthday party!"). And, if you chose to be a site host setting up a customized celeb search engine site, you can also earn money from every search (they say).
Now, I'm not really buying that this idea will take off and overthrow Google. I don't even see it topping Dogpile or AllTheWeb.
However, there is a nugget of an idea there. Local radio stations could create customized search engines on their own websites featuring their morning shows. Now that might prove more interesting.
Search with Howard Stern! Search with Opie & Anthony! Search with Johnny B! Search with Kevin & Bean! Search with Rush Limbaugh!
Hmmm, check that last radio celeb search idea. I'm not sure I'd want to know Rush's online search preferences...
posted by Unknown @ Monday, March 19, 2007,