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Why Strong Content Matters Online
Building brands online requires a dedication to three important words: search engine optimization. Also known as SEO. You're optimized for search engines if you consistently place at or near the top rankings for your important search terms. For example, the Jointblog implements SEO strategies successfully. We are #1 (and often #2, #3, #4, etc., depending on the search engine) for Joint Communications, Jointblog, Media Trend Watching, Chris Kennedy Trends, John Parikhal, Radio Research Strategy and several others.
Organic (or unpaid) SEO is a big buzzword for anyone building brands online. Publishing strong content makes a huge difference in how websites turn up in page rankings when people search through Google, Yahoo, MSN and the others. Search engine sypders and searchbots constantly troll the web looking for valuable content to index. The engines want content turning up matching results for its search users. Meaning sites that actively publish custom content get spotted more often by the search engines. Matching popular search keywords makes your site even more important and effective for rankings.
Encourage linking. We do at the Jointblog. If you like something we publish, go ahead and link to our site and reference what we publish (all we ask for is proper credit). Place us in your favorite links you recommend to to your site's readers. Search engines love this kind of linking structure. The fact we reference our sources to the originator's linking webpage is not only the right thing to do, it is also good SEO.
In addition to the search engines, specialized blog search engines for Blogger, Technorati, Bloglines (and more) link in and we get people linking to our articles on Fark, the Howard Stern fan site called Wackbag, Google Finance, Reveries Cool News newsletters, and hundreds of others (we thank you all).
Good quality original content will generate incoming links and drive targeted web traffic to your website fast. This is the kind of activity search engines love, and would in turn lead to higher web page ranking and increase in web traffic. This is what we continuing doing at the Jointblog.
Thanks for reading and for linking.Of course, including gratuitous hot lesbian babes from The Howard Stern Show also help...
See? It really is about convenience, connection, user control, community, care for the customer...well, you know, like the graphics says at the start of the post.
For continuing SEO talk, here's another article.
posted by Unknown @ Friday, April 14, 2006,