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iTunes traffic increases to nearly 21 million unique users per month
Nielsen//NetRatings recently announced that traffic to Apple's iTunes Web site and use of the iTunes application has skyrocketed 241 percent over the past year, from 6.1 million unique visitors in December 2004 to 20.7 million in December 2005, reaching nearly 14 percent of the active Internet population.
17 year olds are nearly twice as likely to visit the iTunes Web site and use the application as the average Internet user. The site's traffic is 54 percent male and 46 percent female.
Jon Gibs, director of media analytics, Nielsen//NetRatings, said "The rapid growth of iTunes is an important phenomenon in the online media marketplace. Consumers have clearly indicated that they are eager to control their own music libraries, one song at a time."
Here's some interesting characteristics Netratings have figured out about iTunes users:•Their favorite car make is Volkswagen, which they are 2.2 times more likely to own than the average Internet user.
•In terms of beverages, their alcohol of choice is hard cider, followed by imported and domestic beer.
•Among magazines, iTunes users are 3.3 times more likely than average to read Wired, 2.6 times more likely to read Rolling Stone and 2.5 times more likely to read FHM.
•When watching television, they flock to the Cartoon Network at 1.4 times the average rate, and to HBO and BBC America at 1.3 and 1.2 times the average rate, respectively.
Source: Nielsen/Netratings (Broadband Research Brief for Center for Media Research)
posted by Unknown @ Friday, February 03, 2006,