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Howard Stern's Search Impact
It seems Howard Stern's status as "The King of All Media" stretches even into the digital world of organic search online. Since he left traditional radio for Sirius satellite radio last month, the #1 search result bringing readers to the Jointblog has been after a Howard Stern posting.
Through the last year, Howard Stern has been a top search inquiry, placing him as one of the top celebrities sought on the web (8th most-searched male celebrity, right after Michael Jackson)(!). In NYC, he strongly beat out Jon Stewart, David Letterman and Conan O'Brien for favorite on-air host (sources: Yahoo! Buzz Index). Overall nationally, while XM Radio was #6 on Yahoo's Electronics search buzz item, Sirius was #10 despite far fewer subscribers -- and Stern wasn't even broadcasting on Sirius yet. (By the way, iPod was the top buzz item for electronics and #3 product overall, behind the generic "digital camera" and "flowers"; talk about a hot brand name!)
According to Hitwise.com -- a site that tracks search inquiries on the web, visits to SiriusRadio.com almost doubled last year, with Howard Stern the top draw (shows he's really earning the stock bonus).
The market share of visits to Sirius and increased 99 percent and 61 percent respectively for the week ending December 17, 2005 versus the same week last year (week ending December 18, 2004). In September, with Howard Stern's departure imminent, the market share of visits to Sirius Satellite Radio surpassed XM Radio, which claims more than twice the number of subscribers as Sirius.
For more search stats on Howard Stern, go to the website for Hitwise United States and sign up for their free newsletter. For the top Yahoo Buzz Index searches of 2005, go to here.
--Chris Kennedy
posted by Unknown @ Friday, January 20, 2006,