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American Idol Back On Top Of Online Buzz
The Jointblog nation's long slog without the joy of watching Paula Abdul's frequent bouts with lucidity is finally over. American Idol returned to Fox this week, and as you might expect, buzz is hitting a high note. Personally, I'll never hear "I Shot The Sheriff" quite the same way ever again, thanks to one contestant from North Carolina.
Buzz is high with online searches for the show -- up 89% in advance of this year's fifth installment, and it was back in the Yahoo! Buzz Index top 10 TV searches before even airing an episode. As of Thursday night, American Idol was the top search item overall, up 44 rank slots from a week ago (reference: Yahoo! Buzz Index, January 19, 2006)
The show's Search demographics haven't changed much over the years -- females still dominate interest in AI searching, with about 70% of Idol searches. And while the show attempts desperately to appeal to teens (the people who actually buy music!), queries reveal that the folks most interested searchwise are in the 35-44 age bracket. This might help to explain why most of the Idols don't exactly set cash registers ringing across the land (except Kelly, Clay, and possibly Carrie).
Related searches on "american idol 2006" (+91%) and "american idol winners" (+95%) are on the rise. too. Multimedia titan and Idol host Ryan Seacrest has dipped a bit in searches, but he'll be rolling in hair gel and buzz by the end of the season, as usual.
Yahoo! Buzz Index
posted by Unknown @ Thursday, January 19, 2006,