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Bob Dylan Knows New Media, Keeps Changin' With The Times
Labels: RadioThe wandering troubadour, the man of his times who plugged in the acoustic guitar, the "blowin' in the wind" Sage...he keeps a-changin' with the times.
Those times are a-thrivin' right now.
After spending the past couple of decades mainly in a musical wilderness of mumbling (with the occasional stroke of brilliance), Bob Dylan has reinvented himself one more time.
Since the publication of his book (Chronicles, Vol. I) a couple years back, Dylan keeps making bold statements in this new media world.
He started a popular and critically-applauded new radio show on XM earlier this year.
Last month, he declared most music in this digital age sounds not much better than listening to crap.
Two weeks later, he launches a new album Modern Times (again, critical applause; it's digitally recorded, yet superior, 'natch).
And helped get it promoted by lending his new tune and current/very-hip cowboy-hatted visage for a brand new iTunes spot (which previously has used other icons like U2 and Eminem).
(Important current topic point: No digital photoshopping was used on Dylan to smooth out those well-earned wrinkles.)Now he's viral video cool.
Further proof that Bob Dylan is a man of Modern Times who rolls like an online stone and blows in the digital wind: His newest music video is already up on YouTube, featuring veritable YouTube bait Scarlett Johansson. Who cares if the style is faux mid-'60s Super 8 home movies; it's 5 minutes of Scarlett Johansson (!!) with a classic Americana soundtrack.
Already at nearly 36,000 views, the new video is further proof that Dylan still knows how to get his message noticed. He's still bringin' it like a Hurricane to the masses. And he's doin' it with Scarlett Johansson. You dig?
posted by Unknown @ Tuesday, September 05, 2006,