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When The Levees Broke - A Must Watch To Remember
Last night, I watched the first two parts of "When The Levees Broke" -- Spike Lee's documentary film about the impact of last year's Hurricane Katrina. It is powerful, showing the impact on New Orleans and the Gulf Coast after Mother Nature cranked it up to Category 5. The impact it created for the people of that region and how the government's sheer incompetence handled a disaster. The impact of what happens when a democracy has gone astray and forgotten the value of its own people.
The impact of what it's like to go back to New Orleans one year later.
With hindsight and time, it makes you ask questions, such as how could the Royal Canadian Mounted Police -- on their horses, no less -- make it to New Orleans to assist and rescue 2 DAYS before the U.S. government?
It's candid. Raw. Real.
And it is a must watch. If ever there was a subject truly deserving the description "water cooler talk" or "reality TV", this is it.
Parts 3 and 4 are tonight. Turn it on and make it part of your everyday conversations. Is anything different today one year later? It's a real life story no one should forget.
Update PostNote 8/23: It's disappointing how little seems to be written in the blogosphere or in the mainstream press about this strong Spike Lee documentary. Come on now, people...this is not just a racial issue, although it sure has a racial story included in it. This is an example of how the taxes Americans pay every year -- which are paid to provide services for the people -- FAILED an entire major U.S. city of major economic importance (hello, the Mississippi/Gulf delta region!) Speak up, people! If you missed the broadcasts on HBO Monday and Tuesday night, the entire 4 hour documentary will run August 26th. Watch...and then talk up the issue in the media in whatever form you choose.
posted by Unknown @ Monday, August 21, 2006,