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Millions Of Messed Up Morning Routines
It's now Day 3 of Life Without Howard Stern on the radio here in New York City. Yes, he will be on Sirius beginning Monday morning and I still know what's going on with Howard due to his website and the Howard 100 news crew reporting All Things Howard.
I just don't have Howard for my morning routine anymore. He's not there on my clock radio waking me up. Robin Quiver's laugh isn't crackling through my snooze button. No Bababooey or the rest of the crew while prepping for the day in the bathroom or eating my bowl of Total Raisin Bran. Not there in the car, not even a "Best of". No news from the Stern show point of view constantly interrupted by shameless self-promoters like Gilbert Godfreid.
No Howard like normal, just David Lee Roth instead.
It's just not the same morning. And that was one of the few good things about having to wake up earlier than I'd prefer. While I tend to welcome routine changes, the morning routine listening to the world as Howard views it is one routine I was glad to keep.
Right now, there are millions of people -- like me, maybe like you -- whose mornings are a bit screwed up. Better make sure your bosses can be empathetic. Bring in a box of Krispy Kremes, just in case.
To give you a little Howard fix for those jonesing, here are some quotes I found from Howard on Woopdidoo.com:
"When you hire me, you hire a nut who is going to work 24 hours a day for you and never, ever burn his audience."
Howard Stern on being an employee
"This country (United States) has too many freedoms."
Howard Stern on freedom
"I'm not a good listener some times. I'm too much of a control freak. I’m learning to be better. I was so caught up in just getting the job done that I would miss out on the human aspect of this. There was a connection missing."
Howard Stern on doing his job
"My mother was very involved with me. And we had a dialogue constantly. And it was like an umbilical cord. As long as the words were flowing back and forth we were connected and feeding each other. And I probably grew up very afraid of losing that connection."
Howard Stern on growing up
"I’m about being funny. If I can make a joke using profanity, I will. But for the most part, that can get awfully old and boring."
Howard Stern on being funny
"I've always thought that a name says a lot about a person. So naturally, being named Howard, I always wanted to crawl into a hole."
Howard Stern on his name
For Howard fans who've listened every morning for years, he sounded great in that hole.
--Chris Kennedy
posted by Unknown @ Friday, January 06, 2006,