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How the Open Source Revolution Impacts Your Brands
Bob Garfield wrote an excellent article in AdAge.com today. He states the information superhighway is beginning to reverse flow. Linux users, blogers, RSS feeders, Wikipedia, podcasting, "amateur" ad producers (or spoof political ads), internet radio...and the list goes on, it is more and more an open-source world. And that demand is not going away.
Read this important article and save it. In fact, this blog listing is a perfect reflection of the concept he discusses. Make sure you talk about it with your peers and colleagues. And get a mirror..you might want to really take a serious look.
Below is the opening excerpt. Click the headline to go to the full article at AdAge.com.
By Bob Garfield, AdAge.com
Hear that?
In the distance? It’s a crowd forming -- a crowd of what you used to call your “audience.” They’re still an audience, but they aren’t necessarily listening to you. They’re listening to each other talk about you. And they’re using your products, your brand names, your iconography, your slogans, your trademarks, your designs, your goodwill, all of it as if it belonged to them -- which, in a way, it all does, because, after all, haven’t you spent decades, and trillions, to convince them of just that?
Congratulations. It worked. The Great Consumer Society believes deeply that it has a proprietary stake in you. And like stakeholders everywhere, they are letting their voices be heard.
Why? Because the information society is reversing flow. What began as an experiment among a few software nerds has, thanks to the Internet, expanded into other disciplines, notably media and law. But it won’t stop there. Advertising. Branding. Distribution. Consumer research. Product development. Manufacturing. They will all be turned upside down as the despotism of the executive suite gives way to the will, and wisdom, of the masses in a new commercial and cultural epoch, namely: The Open Source Revolution.
Yeah, yeah. Sure. Linux. Zzzzz. Wikipedia. Zzzzz. Blogging. Podcasting. RSS feeds. Zzzzzzzzzzzz. This cultish open-source stuff is undeniably a snooze -- a handful of evangelistic cybergeeks yammering on till little beads of white goo form at the corners of their mouths, as you struggle to remain conscious. If you can’t get jazzed by “Open Source Revolution,” fine. Maybe you prefer “Reverse Flow Economy,” or “Listenomics.” Whatever. Any which way, the herd will be heard. And, any which way, it is underway.
(click on headline to continue reading....)
posted by Unknown @ Tuesday, October 11, 2005,