Radio Can Expand Client Base By Thinking Media Mix
Radio Ink posted a good article earlier today that is worth pointing out and sharing with you. Labels: Ad dollars, Advertising, Media Mix, Radio, Radio Ink, Selling
In it, David Gifford writes on why advertisers must still use radio as part of the overall media advertising mix for ad buys.
He also explains why salespeople should know how to sell a mix of media. It's the way successful salespeople are making money these days...not just by only selling your own radio station or cluster. As Radio Ink states, if you are involved with radio sales, this is an article you are going to want to make copies of and pass out to your salespeople for your next sales meeting.
The good news: radio is not dead...if you adapt (eg. innovate) the content and the value of the selling message.
Among the highlights:Media Mix translates to adding more and different ad media. Adding more ad media increases reach. Increasing reach increases advertising's cost. And overspending on reach media at the expense of driving commercial messages home re-peat-ed-ly represents the biggest mistake in advertising today.
For the full article, click here.
Witness: Whereas Procter & Gamble can afford reach, effective reach, and frequency, even with its $8 billion global ad budget, P&G can not afford "effective frequency” without radio. Inasmuch as radio is advertising's primary frequency medium, Media Mix campaigns need radio!
With advertisers becoming increasingly aware of the importance of Media Mix in all size markets, radio's obvious imperative is to get included in as many Media Mix campaigns as possible. Growth money!...
A proactive, radio-driven Media Mix campaign might include a spot radio schedule, promotions, and/or big event sponsorships, texting and Twitter, website tie-ins linked to prospects' websites, direct mail to your listener database, point-of-purchase merchandising, and partnering with outdoor to help advertisers reach those active Lifestyle consumers when they’re out shopping.
1. Target the largest non-radio national/regional/local advertisers who can afford Media Mix.
2. Ask direct non-radio advertisers and media planners if they're open to learning about a new breakthrough approach for media planning.
3. Teach the concept of Media Mix advertising (see below to qualify which ad media apply).
4. Sell ideas and solutions to make that happen.
posted by Unknown @ Monday, March 07, 2011,
A Smart Viral Commercial
Love this online Smart Water commercial...great example of mocking viral videos while creating one. Does this mean 'Jen Aniston' can act as a spokesperson? Labels: Jennifer Aniston, Online Marketing, Viral Video
posted by Unknown @ Monday, March 07, 2011,
How Disruptive Will Spotify Be?
Greg Nisbet says there is a "natural human compulsion to look for curators, human filters and processors". Labels: Greg Nisbet, On-demand, Spotify
That's why he thinks that Spotify and other on-demand services might not be as disruptive as the techno-leaders think they will be.
Good news for radio, storytellers and record company promo people.
More here
posted by Unknown @ Sunday, March 06, 2011,