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The Economy Did Not Cause Radio’s Problems
Labels: Future, John Parikhal, Predictions, Radio, Steve RiversJoint Communications CEO John Parikhal was rummaging through some old cyber-files in his office over the weekend and came across an interview he did with legendary radio programmer Steve Rivers in 2005.
In the article, John put on his "hat" as a longtime media guru and futurist and shared some predictions about radio's future, which clearly came true.
Asked what he saw as true "radio killers" between then and 2010 Parikhal (pictured) replied,"The biggest killer of all will be current management, unless they: Stop dancing to Wall Street's whip, institute formal training and recruitment, start surrounding themselves with smart people who challenge them, create cultures of formal innovation and begin to get serious about spot loads. Radio can control this. They can't control [Apple CEO] Steve Jobs, the Internet or any other of the so-called "killers" of the medium."
Parikhal says that while many in radio today are blaming the economy for the industry’s woes, re-reading what he said five years ago suggests otherwise."This was all predictable, long before the current economic crisis," he says. "You could see it coming, yet irresponsible people — who didn’t want to invest the necessary time and money — caused terrible pain for so many in the industry."
For a re-read of the full article, click here.
And what about some other past predictions? Here's some more thinking from 2006 about the pending state of radio just prior to the economic ad rev meltdown.
As a reminder, here is what John said in September 2009 at this year's annual NAB on how radio to get back its growth.
posted by Unknown @ Monday, November 23, 2009,