Better Design Can Innovate Stagnant Brands
Even if your form of traditional media or product category is stuck and mired in stagnation, you can find new growth again. Innovation comes not just from ideas or changed paradigms; at the heart of innovation is DESIGN.
Give designers - for example, in radio, this would mean Program Directors - the authority and resources to change the design of your product. This means for everything - from your workflow and staffing to branding and marketing to the product itself. For radio, this includes the on-air product as well as the website and other digital applications.
Too often in the age of corporate ownership and consolidation, mature (and stagnant) products get managed "by de facto committee", where real decisions keep getting deflected upward, downward and elsewhere - delayed for yet another meeting for more discussion and review until the idea finally gets old, stale and killed. For lots of reasons -- including fear, budget, adverse environment against "change", and much more.
Here, in this video, new and completely fresh design has helped increase circulation sales for newspapers. Substantially. It required management approval and the courage to try something not ever done in the past nor previously expected from the product. It meant no interference from corporate above.
It meant giving design leaders the power to lead change. It's not about copying what everyone else is doing in a stagnant industry. It's about creating unique value in your marketplace no other product can provide.
Radio can do this, just needs the courage.
posted by Unknown @ Friday, September 24, 2010,