Artie Quits Stern, Consumers Demand Control
Among the many comments being posted online on message boards about Artie Lange quitting the Howard Stern show last Friday? (editor note: he shortly thereafter apologized, went into rehab, and returned) Outrage that the audio clips were found on YouTube and not provided for free from Sirius. Labels: Artie, Control, Convenience, Howard Stern, Sirius, Viral
Yet another example of where consumers demand Control and Convenience for their Content.
Stern fans will find out after Artie's week off holiday in Amsterdam whether this is real or not...and if Artie's next gig will be in rehab.
The bigger question we wait to see answered: Will it create a Sirius backlash being a gated subscription service, where the consumer isn't getting the control it wants? What happens if Sirius demands the audio get removed from YouTube?
Below are the uncensored audio links on YouTube:
posted by Unknown @ Monday, April 14, 2008,